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The Rachel MacGregor Trust was formed in 2017, with a focus on helping Rachel meet the considerable legal fees and costs she will face to fight a lengthy High Court trial.


In June 2017, it became clear Colin Craig intended to sue his former Press Secretary, Rachel MacGregor, for defamation. The action, secretly filed but subsequently leaked to media, was the latest in a long line of high profile court cases taken by Mr Craig and others in the wake of the sexual harassment claim laid against him by Rachel in 2014, and confidentially settled through the Human Rights Commission dispute resolution process. In each of those cases, Rachel has been drawn completely unwillingly into the public eye and onto the witness stand to relive these events. This time, she faces the High Court as both defendant and claimant.


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Since 2014 Craig has drawn Rachel into a series of very public court cases, which has impacted impacted her health, and caused her major financial hardship. The Rachel MacGregor Trust was formed in 2017, with a focus on helping Rachel meet the considerable legal fees and costs she has faced to fight a lengthy High Court trial. What we saw looked unfair and unprecedented and like most New Zealanders who discover with gross inequity, we wanted to help.

Together we can send a clear message that here in New Zealand, access to justice is not just for those with the most money and power.

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